29 June 2011

PCPP and other updates

Returned to site to some great news: 
PCPP project ‘Camp Forest Kingdom’ has been fully financed! 

Giant THANK YOU!!! to everyone who donated or thought good thoughts about donating! 

I’m also feeling good about my English and fitness classes. I'm still teaching beginner and advanced English groups for 90 minutes twice a week when I'm at site. Attendance is lower--summer is really nice here--but those coming are dedicated to learning. The beginner group asked for more homework and independent study to work on together between lessons. 

The fitness group, despite being relatively new, has some serious adherents. It quickly morphed from a pilates class to a more general fitness class, to include some cardio kickboxing and yoga as well. While I was on vacation, the ladies took turns leading the group with the notes and music I left behind. On Monday, they were ready for a new routine and psyched about their progress. They also told me we'd be meeting three days a week from here out! 

On a personal note, I was able to walk all over Italy with few ankle problems. The first two days in Rome I wore flip flops, this was not a good idea. But after I bought a pair of sneakers, everything was fine. Today, I went for my first run in six weeks. It was slow and short, but didn’t hurt. Success for Athens in November is still looking good. 

28 June 2011

Божe, so much to do!

Returning to site feeling slightly overwhelmed with the amount of work that lay ahead. WiFi in Italy was never free and it was nice to have a break from the technology grip for a while. But my to do list now is pretty daunting. With Peace Corps mid-service conference next week, volunteer assistance at summer camps coming up, regular commitments at site, a tourism project, and the need for prep on grad school applications looming, it seems inevitable that the next few months will fly by in a flurry of sweaty train rides, laundry days, and desk time. 

27 June 2011


Spent the last week and a half on a whirlwind Italy tour with friends. More to come soon-ish. 

Summary: Sights were amazing, wine was excellent, people were beautiful, weather was perfect. 

11 June 2011

Congrats to B27s!

The Peace Corps trainees took their official oath on June 10th, becoming to 27th group of Peace Corps Volunteers to serve in Bulgaria! 
Браво на тях!
Kiril and Emi with the three generations of PCVs they hosted.

Host families, current volunteers, and PC staff attended the swearing in ceremony for the 38 volunteers in the Vratsa Municipal building. It was much more enjoyable as an observer; at last year’s ceremony, the July heat, my nervousness towards going to site, and the goodbyes, made it seem like a sweaty, stressful blur.

The night before the ceremony, I arrived in Kravoder (my host village) with Neysa and Charity. Volunteers from the group before me were also in the village, seeing their host families one last time before returning to the U.S. in a few weeks. This was the third year Kravoder served as a training village, and all three volunteers from my host family were present, as were host family friends and other volunteers. It was a great evening. Emi, my host mom, recently returned from abroad and it was the first time I’d seen her since Christmas. 

After the ceremony, I spent some time with other volunteers, purchased bomba fake raybans for about $7 USD, and had coffee with my host family aunt and uncle in Vratsa.

06 June 2011


Today I held my first pilates class for women and girls. I was super worried, of course, but it turned out wonderfully. I knew pretty much everyone that showed up and, although I'd practiced all the verbs ahead of time (I don't use "stretch, tighten, еtc. in their plural imperative forms real often...), I was also able to demonstrate and say "okay, like this." This is sooo much easier than explaining grammar or trying to come up with answers to questions like: how do you pronounce "the?" Does it rhyme with 'tea' or 'duh?'

Ever since I arrived at site, having a gym or fitness center for women has been brought up in conversations. Although this isn't quite the same as that, the school has a multi purpose room that is the perfect size for classes, and pilates, yoga, and kickboxing are pretty easy for me to teach. I've been wanting to have a women's fitness group for a while, but hadn't felt comfortable enough to start one until now. I'm glad I did, after class they asked about when we could meet again! We decided, from now on, Chiprovtsi will have a ladies fitness group every Monday and Thursday evening.

Mushroom Hunting

Hizha Yavor
This weekend I went with my friend to Hizha Yavor (Yavor means Sycamore in English). Her family is redoing the mountain ‘hut,’ which has been left unused for the last 10 or so years.  It was built in 1975 with a bar, two floors of sleeping rooms, eating area, bathrooms, kitchens, etc. And, Hizha Yavor has a great location—only a 15 minute walk from Gushovski Monastery, on the way to the Chiprovtsi Waterfall, accessible by two dirt roads, 6 km on foot from the Three Chuki (border peaks).

My friend, her husband, and her father worked all day- replacing glass, cleaning, hooking up water, etc. There is a lot left to do-someone has torn out all the wiring and the interior paint has some damage, but it’s very easy to imagine it functioning similar to the Hizha in Belasitsa. After they finished working for the day, J and I went in search of mushrooms. We spent a good 90 minutes wandering the forest, but only found one edible mushroom, a Manatarka (Boletus).

Comparing the boletus (in J.'s hand) with a non-edible mushroom.
We returned to the hizha, played some ping-pong, and hiked down to the car. On the way down, her husband briefly walked to the edge of the forest returning with a small bags worth of Boletus and Chanterelles. It’s unfortunate that I am such a bad mushroom hunter, but I am very happy to have friends that share. They tasted fantastic.
Boletus and Chanterelles

Kestini Magic

A few weeks ago I hurt my ankle while running. One of my friend’s mothers made this for me to spray on it and accelerate the healing. It’s made from the chestnut tree (kestini in Bulgarian), rakia, and I’m not sure what else. It smells good though and when I googled chestnuts/traditional medicine I found that they are used for a variety of things including increasing blood flow and decreasing swelling. They’re also used for enlarged prostates and hemorrhoids, but these aren’t relevant to me. 

03 June 2011

Tourism Website

This is something I've been working on when I have extra time. It still needs more work and to be translated into Bulgarian. I have zero experience with webdesign and would love feedback/advice.

24 May 2011

Sustainable Practices: Camp Forest Kingdom

The Peace Corps Partnership Program Project I've been working on with my colleagues is online

Camp Forest Kingdom, a three-day camp for 35-40 children ages 7-14 in the Balkan Mountains, encourages children to respect the environment and to use their imagination and creative arts for positive self-discovery. Organized by the municipality and community partners in 2009 and 2010, the camp is a highly anticipated local event. This project will ensure its sustainability for years to come and establish it as a regional leader in outdoor youth activities.

To remove dependency on external sources and raise the camp's environmental and safety standards, project funds will be used to acquire lasting equipment such as an outdoor kitchen and camp toilets. Between camps, the municipality will manage a transparent equipment rental system, using proceeds for camp improvements and scholarships.

Prior to this year's Camp Forest Kingdom, 5-10 older children will be selected to participate in a three-day leadership work camp. They will learn campsite construction and outdoor safety skills from local volunteers and gain hands-on experience marking trails, building a compost bin, and constructing an eco-friendly campsite. During Camp Forest Kingdom, youth leaders will set positive examples for younger children and share their knowledge with peers.

Camp Forest Kingdom is especially important to the community. The camp provides an affordable and safe environment for youth to interact with nature and build outdoor skills while strengthening their special connection with the mountains of their home.

Visit the Peace Corps website to get involved! 

13 May 2011

1 year in Bulgaria!!

13 May 2010----13 May 2011

11 May 2011

Pamukkale, Hieropolis, and Ephesus

After a flight to Izmir, we drove to Kusadasi, our base for visits to the ancient cities nearby.

Pamukkale and Hieropolis
The ancient city of Hieropolis and the natural mineral formations of Pamukkale, ‘cotton castle,’ are in the Denizli Province, about 3 hours from our hotel in Kusadasi. Created by hot springs that continue to fill warm pools on its surface, Pamukkale is a popular attraction for Russian and Polish tourists who believe its waters have healing and fortifying properties. They are not the first to believe this; it has been used as a spa since the 2nd century BC.

Hieropolis, an ancient city built next to the top of Pamukkale, was a Greek spa town turned into Roman city of a 100,000. Thousands of people visited for the medicinal properties of its hots springs; although, as the tour book I had wittily pointed out, the extensive walkway through sarcophagi makes one wonder how effective these waters were.

I wish these pictures could better show how huge Hieropolis was. The path through the ruins was several kilometers with very few people on them. Most of the tourists seemed more interested in soaking in the pools on Pamukkale and adding to their sunburns. 

Ephesus an ancient city during the Greek and Roman Empires had a population of 250, 000 people in the 1st century BC making it the world’s second biggest city at the time. The area around Ephesus was inhabited as early as 6000BC, but didn’t become a proper city until the Bronze Age.

After being attacked by the Goths in 263 AD, the city began declining though it wasn’t fully abandoned until the 15th century. Once a port city on the Aegean Sea, Ephesus now lies 5 kilometers from the coast. The river Küçük Menderes deposited tons of silt in the harbor each year. Despite efforts to dredge the harbor, even as far back as Roman times, the coast continued to retreat from Ephesus. Decline was further hastened by an earthquake in 614 and further attacks by Arabs in 654-655, 700, and 716 AD. 
Unlike Pamukkale, there were tons of tourists at Ephesus.
Ephesus played a big role in the early development of Christianity. The Apostle Paul lived there in the 50s and a house nearby is believed to have been where Mary lived until her death.  It also the site of the story of the Seven Sleepers, considered saints in the Catholic and Orthodox traditions. The Seven Sleepers, a story also found in the Quran, describes a group of Christian youths who hid in an Ephesian cave to escape Roman persecution around 250 AD. While praying in the cave, they fell asleep, awaking 150-200 years later and finding Ephesus a Christian city. In the Quranic version, a dog accompanied them to the cave and kept watch while the slept.

House of the Virgin Mary
House of the Virgin Mary, 4 kilometers from the Ephesus ruins, is where people believe Jesus’ mother came to live with John. The Third Ecumenical Council and Second Council of Ephesus were held there in 431 and 449. Today, people write wishes on cloth or napkins and tie them to a prayer wall, light candles, and drink water from the three natural springs which are supposed to help with health, wealth, etc.

Peace and Friendship Square, Kusadasi

10 May 2011


I recently returned from a fantastic trip to Turkey with my parents, aunt, and cousin. After arriving at Sirkeci Station, the last stop of the Orient Express, we embarked on a whirlwind tour of Istanbul, the cave cities of Cappadocia, and the ancient cities near Izmir. 

Our time in Cappadocia was my favorite, it wasn't very crowded, the weather was nice, and the things we saw were incredible. Cappodocia is located in the center of the country, a few hours away by plane.  

We stayed in a hotel with rooms built into the rock like a cave. It was a very nice hotel. Though the weather was pleasant during our visit, apparently the summers heat and winter cold can be very extreme. By building homes (or hotels) inside of rocks, as has been done there for centuries, people are able to keep indoor temperatures reasonable without absurd heating/cooling bills. 
Rose Valley
Cave churches and once inhabited homes, now high up on the cliffsides, are scattered along the 4 kilometer hike through the valley.  Later in the day, we visited the Göreme Open Air Museum, a walk through park with frescoed churches from the 10th, 11th, and 12th centuries.

Rock Castles: Üchişar & Ortisar

When the caves were no longer used for human inhabitation, they were transformed into pigeon homes. The pigeons provided farmers with fertilizer.
Pigeon Homes
Can you guess? This was Pigeon Valley. 

Kaymakli Underground City
The Kaymakli Underground City was created by the Hittites and expanded thereafter. The Underground Cities, of which there are 36 in Cappadocia, were not intended for permanent habitation, but were used to escape marauding armies that passed through. They fell into disuse and was forgotten until its rediscovery in the 1900s.

Kaymakli is believed to have been able to sustain between 3,500-5,000 people for an extended period of time. It extends 8 floors down, about 360 feet into the earth. The nature of the rock allowed for kitchen fires to burn without windows, much of the smoke being absorbed by the soft stone.

-       Entrances to the underground were scattered throughout the surface city, often in the back of barns or cellars. Several layers of doors, sealable by large stones that could only be rolled from one side provided additional security. Water was brought up by a well and ventilation was provided by several shafts. There were rooms for food storage, religious worship, ill or infirm people, the dead, in addition to sleeping and living rooms.

Inside the Kaymakli
Here you can see where tools were used to cut into the rocks.
The depression I'm sitting in was used to store pottery-probably with food.

Avanos was the center of pottery making for the Hittites. The Hittites lived in what is modern day Turkey during the Bronze Age from the 18th to 11th century BC. They recorded information from their daily lives on clay tablets and some of the techniques they developed for pottery making are still used today. 

The pitcher with the large hole in the center was used for wine drinking during parties. Men would carry it around by sliding an arm through the hole and tilting it to pour. 

Pasabag, or Monks Valley, contains some of the most famous fairy chimney rocks in the region. Churches are built into the rocks and St. Simeon, it is believed, lived here in seclusion in the 5th century
Dervent Rock Formations-can you see the camel on the left? 

Carpet Industry
Despite looking forward to a break from anything to do with carpets or weaving, we visited a carpet weaving co-op in Cappadocia. It is organized by the government and private industry. It was really impressive work they're doing: they preserve traditional skills, provide training, create jobs, make a profit, and educate tourists. The facility is excellent, with all sorts of demonstrations. I would love something like this in Chiprovtsi!

Evil Eyes
The tree below is decorated with nazars, trinkets that are believed to protect against the evil eye. The evil eye curse is attracted to and absorbed by the nazar before it can cause harm. I've seen nazars everywhere during my time in Turkey-on jewelry, airplanes, walls, etc.

I also rode a camel. 

28 April 2011

New Volunteer Training Sessions

The new group of volunteers arrived in Bulgaria at the end of March. There are about 40 of them (my group had 80) and they will be in training until mid-June. My second time meeting was on Wednesday this week. It was strange being at a pre-service training event as a speaker. My arrival doesn’t seem that long ago, but, at the same time, I feel so different than I did then. The first session I participated in was on PACA tools and Bulgarian municipalities. PACA – participatory analysis for community action – tools are what the Peace Corps uses in training us for development work and the government stuff I shared was mostly anecdotal. This time I talked about tourism development.

Afterwards, I rode the old, green bus with the mildewy seats and heavy gasoline odor to Kravoder to visit my host family. I feel bad, they are so wonderful, but I don’t get to visit nearly often enough. I had these illusions that I’d have all sorts of free time in the Peace Corps during which I’d knit gifts for friends, visit my host family, write essays, and perfect the conditional mood cases of Bulgarian grammar. This, alas, has not come to pass and I hardly feel that I have time to keep up with my normal tasks at site. Kravoder was great, of course.

On Thursday, some of the volunteers from my group who work on tourism related activities held a tourism workshop in Vratsa. Our goal was to try to define what our role would be with the new group and as a volunteer ‘taskforce’ in the year to come. I think it was productive. We came away with a few really good ideas and plans on how to combine and streamline our efforts to make tourism development at our various sites more effective and collaborative: sharing brochure templates, creating a database for online tour vendors, combining eco-trail maps for a hiking book, etc. Hopefully some of these will work out. 

26 April 2011

Easter weekend: 22-25 April

Egg painting at Tsetka's
It was a great weekend! Friday and Monday were official holidays so Chiprovtsi was full of visiting family and friends visiting. I exchanged a lot of eggs, ate a lot of Kozunak (special Easter sweetbread), and danced horo, a lot.

I dyed eggs with Tsetska and her kids on Saturday. To prepare, she woke up early and hard boiled 75 eggs! According to tradition, she dyed the first egg red then touched the wet egg on the foreheads and cheeks of Mitko, Eli, and I, leaving dye marks on our skin. Cracking of eggs against each other is another tradition. Whoever has the egg that lasts the longest will be the healthiest in the coming year. 

Kozunak picture from: The Mini Food Blog

On Monday, I went on a hike and picnic with friends to a place in the mountains near Zhelezna. There is a fire pit, water spring, and a few tables-everything we needed. We grilled sausages, ate leftover lamb offal casserole, and made s'mores. 

View from Bunara: Zhelezna is the village in the foreground, then Chiprovtsi, then the mountains that border Serbia.

Building a fire and s'mores

21 April 2011

Holy Thursday

Egg Painting at Katerina House
What a crazy busy day! After running-love love love that spring is here and I can run again- I went to work, then to Elsa’s for piano lessons and lunch, then to the school for an Easter Recital, then egg painting at Katerina Kushta (the Ethnographic Museum), then tree planting near the Cultural Center, then home for a skype meeting about law school, then church with Yulka. And, the holidays haven’t even really begun. 
Easter Recital at Petar Parchevich...they look so happy :)

Attending church Thursday evening was interesting. The services aren’t like the Catholic or ecumenical Christian services I’ve attended before. It is much more mystical and enchanting. I entered church with Yulka and her friend; people were already standing inside and appeared to have been there for a while. There are no pews, but some chairs had been placed near the sides for the elderly.  The smell of flowers and incense is strong. In the front, is a gold trimmed screen that acts as a sort of room divider between the church and the altar. It is decorated with elaborate icons: Jesus, angels, saints, demons, dragons, etc. Dozens of beeswax candles (you purchase these when you enter) are placed on stands near the screen. The effect is very beautiful.

Following Yulka’s example, I bought two candles, lit them, placed one in a stand, and held the other until it burned down. We stood to one side and faced forward. The priest chanted prayers nearly the whole time, occasionally with replies, sometimes not. It seemed to be a very private sort of affair, not like a sermon. People came and went throughout. Some made large displays of placing candles in the front, bowing and crossing themselves repeatedly, others just stood holding their candles and listening. After about an hour, we left and sat on a bench outside church to people watch and gossip. 

20 April 2011

Month of Cleaning

April is the month of cleanup events: the Mayor published an announcement requesting residents clean the streets in front of their homes prior to town holidays, my coworkers in the municipality cleaned the center of town last Friday, Bulgaria declared the 9th as a national clean up day, Earth Day is this Friday, and other various clean up campaigns are going on throughout the country. Today, I helped a the 6th graders from Petar Parchevich School collect litter from a mountainside east of town. 

19 April 2011

Church bells

The church bells of Vaznesenie Hristov Orthodox Church can be heard all over town and act as a sort of announcement system when someone dies. People hear them and then ask around to find out who has died. This week, they’ve been ringing a lot. Demographically, there are going to be quite a few funerals in Chiprovtsi, but we’ve had one every day this week, with two on Wednesday.

When I was at Yulka’s on Saturday for Lazarovden, I sat wither her mother for quite some time and listened to her describe her Lazarovden memories from childhood. She didn’t make complete sense all of the time, but also didn’t seem of particularly bad health. She told me how excited she had been for the holiday and was so happy the weather was nice enough for her to sit outside and watch. On Tuesday, I attended her funeral. It was such a surprise. My condolences to her family and friends. 

16 April 2011

Lazarovden: 16 April

On the Saturday before Easter, Bulgarians celebrate Lazarovden (St. Lazarus Day). On this day, young girls (Lazarki), wearing traditional costume, go from house to house carrying baskets decorated with flowers and sing the traditional ‘Lazarki’ song. In return, they are given eggs, coins, and candy. I spent the morning of Lazarovden with Yulka, handing out eggs to the Lazarki. 

13 April 2011


I spent this past weekend helping at a camp organized by PCVs from Bansko and Kolarova. The camp was at Hizha (hut) Belasitsa in the far southwest corner of Bulgaria—about 8 hours by bus from Chiprovtsi (if a direct one existed).

Learning about their national parks
There were about 40 kids, aged 8-12, at the camp, half from the ski-resort town of Bankso, the other half from a village near Petrich; plus, a group of 11th grade students from the Eko Club in Razlog, adults from Bansko, National Park Pirin, and Koloravo, and 6 PCVs. Everyone except for the PCVs slept in the “Hut.” We slept in tents a couple hundred yards away. Although much warmer than Chiprovtsi and comfortable during the day, it became very cold at night. I slept in all of the clothes I’d packed, plus two sleeping bags and a liner.

With some of the kids from the village near Petrich
Matt and Grant did a great job with the camp. We helped start things off the first day with an America parks and outdoor activity presentation. Each of the PCVs had prepared a few slides on a national park and an activity we enjoy to do outdoors: Atchafalaya Swamp, Appalachian Trail and Grand Canyon, ultimate Frisbee, rock climbing, and fishing.
Риболов was my unorganized outdoor activity
The first night was  “American night.” Held around a campfire near our tents, we made s’mores for all the kids and then made our best attempt at singing with Ben on the guitar. The next night was “Bulgarian night,” where the kids sang traditional songs—two even had costumes—followed by Horo dancing around the restaurant.