I held an informational meeting for English language lessons today....AND it was a success! I was worried no one would show up and also kind of worried that a ton of people would come. Last week, I made signs and posted them in the teacher's lounge, culture center, municipality, museums, tourist center, etc. inviting everyone interested in learning English to come and discuss what they want to learn, what they already know, and when they have free time so I could hold classes that would appropriately match their needs. I heard people talk about it, but still wasn't sure who would actually attend. My counterpart and I practiced what I would say during the meeting and she came to support me in case I needed help. I also brought cookies. At 5:30 (the stated start time of the meeting), no one had arrived, not even my counterpart. But, by 6:00 (which I'm learning is 5:30 BG time) I had almost 30 people filling out questionnaires. The meeting went perfectly and I will start teaching two adult English classes next week, one for beginners and one for more advanced students.
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