The party began with Jordanka and Palma explaining Halloween and its associated traditions. Then each student paraded their costume in front of the other students and our judges (the director and administrators). Then they milled around carnival style to look at the pumpkin exhibition, bob for apples, play the candy corn guessing game, and reach into the mystery box (spaghetti, olives, gelatin, red food dye, a plastic glove frozen full of water). After the winners of the costume contest were announced, we began the piñatas. FYI: Fishing line is not sufficient for piñatas. There was so much candy… no leftovers. Especially popular with the kids and the adults were the bags of candy corn and candy corn pumpkins my mom sent. They decided they looked more like teeth (they certainly don’t resemble corn). More than a few kids were walking around with orange, yellow, and white vampire-ish fangs.
Once the floor was picked over for candy, the kids colored until it was time to hike to the kindergarten. We brought just enough candy to treat the little kids and the ladies working there. Proceeding through town in costume must have been quite a site for local residents. I’m glad everything went well. I felt bad for not celebrating Halloween with the school last year. This year, Halloween was definitely celebrated.