Returned to site to some great news:
PCPP project ‘Camp Forest Kingdom’ has been fully financed!
Giant THANK YOU!!! to everyone who donated or thought good thoughts about donating!
I’m also feeling good about my English and fitness classes. I'm still teaching beginner and advanced English groups for 90 minutes twice a week when I'm at site. Attendance is lower--summer is really nice here--but those coming are dedicated to learning. The beginner group asked for more homework and independent study to work on together between lessons.
The fitness group, despite being relatively new, has some serious adherents. It quickly morphed from a pilates class to a more general fitness class, to include some cardio kickboxing and yoga as well. While I was on vacation, the ladies took turns leading the group with the notes and music I left behind. On Monday, they were ready for a new routine and psyched about their progress. They also told me we'd be meeting three days a week from here out!
On a personal note, I was able to walk all over Italy with few ankle problems. The first two days in Rome I wore flip flops, this was not a good idea. But after I bought a pair of sneakers, everything was fine. Today, I went for my first run in six weeks. It was slow and short, but didn’t hurt. Success for Athens in November is still looking good.