26 May 2010
Summer Arrived
25 May 2010
Lamb Liver and Celebrations!
No fish in the river
18 May 2010

Day trip to the Vratsa
15 May 2010
Going to my village!!!
I received my satellite placement this morning. I will be spending the next 11 weeks in a small community (population 1,036) near from Vratsa. I am soooo excited and nervous to meet my host family! The awkwardness of the first dinner will, I’m sure, be great. They do not speak English and my Bulgarian is VERY limited. I’m nervous about giving them my gifts, cross cultural faux-pas, and figuring out basic things like shower times and laundry. I brought pralines from Louisiana, a picture book of America, and a magnet with the Washington Monument on it that also functions as a F/C thermometer. Four other community and organizational development volunteers will be with other families in the same community. My fellow group members are great and I'm so excited to get started!
Bulgarian Mountains
The mountain resort town where we’ve been having our pre-pre service training, is fantastic. This morning, I woke up early for the second time to run to an old ski trail and climb to the top of the mountain with another volunteer. It started raining during our ascent, but the view was still spectacular. Our descent was a bit tricky, but we made it back in time for another delicious breakfast and the first training session. Our days have been full of meetings, interviews, shots, and Bulgarian language lessons. Tonight is our last night before we are transferred to our host families in the satellite communities. There will be a large dinner and a local group will perform traditional Bulgarian dances. Yesterday, we were taught a few basic dances in the front of the hotel. They are performed in a circle with lots of kicks and jumps. I have a feeling that the performance tonight will look a bit more impressive…